Friday, October 17, 2014

Time Warner BYO Cable Modem

Thanks to Time Warner's greed feeling that their rates weren't high enough, they decided a couple of years ago to charge extra for the privilege of using their hardware.
I'll try to leave my opinions aside, and explain how to get around this extra fee.

  1. Order a Netgear CG3000D from Amazon, or wherever you'd prefer.
    1. It is not the greatest available, but is about the least expensive DOCSIS 3 modem I could find that is confirmed to work.
      1. DOCSIS 2 does not support the higher speeds
    2. These devices are not supported by Netgear, and firmware updates are not available.
      1. The best support I've found is in the Amazon Reviews section
    3. They do work with Time Warner
  2. Plug into your home network, or another computer
    1. DHCP is enabled by default, so your computer should obtain an IP from the CG3000D
  3. Default settings are
    1. IP -
    2. Web -
    3. Admin login
      1. admin
      2. password
    4. Super Admin login
      1. MSO
      2. changeme
  4. Advanced hidden settings
    1. NAT Control - to disable routing functions and use only as a cable modem
    2. Advanced Firewall services
    3. Advanced Firmware update
      2. Attempting a fake firmware upgrade is said to resolve some issues, (although it fails)
  5. Configure as you wish. 
    1. You can use the modem as a router and Wireless access point if needed
      1. Many have complained about the wireless, but I haven't used enough to know.
  6. If you choose to disable NAT,and use your own router;
    1. Perform a factory reset by holding the reset button on the bottom of the router for 30 seconds.
    2. The router should obtain a WAN IP from the CG3000D's DHCP server
    3. Immediately login to the CG3000D to disable NAT
    4.  Wait a minute.
    5. If your router does not obtain a public IP after a minute
      1. Power cycle the CG0000D 
      2. Then power cycle your router.
    6. Once your router has a public IP, you can disable the wireless radio on the CG3000D
  7. Once everything is set up on the modem
    1. Call Time Warner to provision your new hardware
      1. I believe you will need to speak with a rep to provide the new MAC address
    2. Return Time Warner's modem and power cable to them.
  8.  Enjoy the $5.99 you save every month!

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